Members of the association have chosen to hold the annual meeting on the last Saturday in July. Notice of the annual meeting is sent out to all members several weeks in advance with time, place, and (known) agenda. Members with additional items for the agenda should contact the president. Members who cannot attend in person should assign another LEHA member as a proxy. The proxy voter must attend in person or assign a new member (substitute) who will attend. The proxy will hold his or her own vote plus that of the lot(s) he or she represents.
A quorum for the meeting is required before for any meeting is called to order. A quorum is one-third of all members in good standing, counted by lot. When a motion is made to raise the annual maintenance fee, a majority quorum will be required. Bylaw adoptions require two-thirds majority (see by-laws) so in these circumstances it is especially important for all members to be represented either in person or by proxy. Proxy forms will be sent out with the official notice and will be posted on the Meetings page. Signed proxies should be sent to the secretary at least a week before the meeting so that a quorum can be assured. If the meeting cannot be convened, a subsequent meeting will be scheduled at the discretion of the president. Please help to make the association to function properly by assigning a proxy voter if you do not plan to attend.